Published on: 2020-03-29 22:44:30
Categories: 12
DRAINS is a multifunctional application for the design and analysis of municipal wastewater drainage and treatment systems. DRAINS can model drainage systems of any size from small to very large (up to 10 km using several submarines with ARR 2016 and ILSAX Hydrology, using the Storage Routing Hydrology Model). During a hurricane event, it converts rainfall patterns into runoff hydrographs over a number of time phases, directing them through pipe networks, detention ponds, canals and streams.
Provides a graphical interface to Windows and users can draw components of the drainage system such as subnets, pits, pipes and overflow paths. Right-clicking on a component brings up a pop-up menu with a list of options that you can choose from, enter your information and view the results in different formats. DRAINS is capable of performing hydrological modeling using ARR2016, ILSAX, logical method and storage routing models, along with bohemian hydraulic modeling of pipeline systems and open channels. The package includes an automated design approach for piping drainage systems, connections to CAD and GIS applications, and a guidance system.
Windows 7, 8.1, 10
Read the Readme.txt file in the Crack folder.
Download Watercom_DRAINS_2018.01_x86
43 MB
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