Published on: 2021-07-02 22:10:35
Categories: 28
UIDev – React with TypeScript is a React with TypeScript training course. All courses offered by UIDev use a proven structure that is optimized for the transfer of basic knowledge, not just the concept of learning.
Publisher: UIDev ( UI.Dev )
Language: English
Number of courses: 30
Duration: 2 hours
Introduction, Philosophy, and Tips (2:08)
Configuring TypeScript for React
Configuring TypeScript for React (4:06)
Annotating Components
Class Components (3:11)
(Practice) Annotating Components (1:00)
(Solution) Annotating Components (3:56)
Function Components (3:05)
Built-In React Types
Component and Element Types (5:18)
(Bonus) Intrinsic Elements (5:16)
useState & useReducer (7:27)
(Practice) useReducer (1:12)
(Solution) useReducer (4:55)
useEffect, useMemo, useCallback (4:08)
Typing Props
Common Props Patterns (3:44)
Event Handlers (5:02)
Advanced Props Patterns (8:38)
(Bonus) PropTypes (3:38)
(Practice) Props (0:44)
(Solution) Props (4:17)
Context (4:17)
Refs (3:24)
Project: TypeScript Conversion
(Project) Introduction (1:30)
(Project) TypeScript Configuration (4:08)
(Project) API (6:42)
(Project) Hooks, Context, Tooltip (3:27)
(Project) Battle (4:22)
(Project) Card, Nav, Loading (2:42)
(Project) Popular (9:19)
(Project) Results (7:28)
What’s Next? (1:20)
A fundamental understanding of JavaScript or familiarity with another programming language. For example, you should be comfortable with functions, arguments, loops, control flow, etc. If you want to jump straight in to the React courses, we recommend having a stronger knowledge of JavaScript, which you can get from our JavaScript courses if you’re unsure.
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English subtitle
Quality: 2160p
1.3 GB
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