Published on: 2021-07-24 11:56:56
Categories: 28
UIDev – Modern JavaScript is a modern JavaScript training course. All courses offered by UIDev use a proven structure that is optimized for the transfer of basic knowledge, not just the concept of learning.
Publisher: UIDev ( UI.Dev )
Language: English
Number of courses: 13
Duration: 3 hours and 4 minutes
ECMAScript, TC39, and the Standardization Process
Variable Declarations
Variable Declarations (var vs let vs const)
Object and Array Destructuring
Shorthand Syntax
Shorthand Properties and Method Names
Computed Property Names
Computed Property Names
Template Literals
Template Literals
Arrow Functions
Arrow Functions
Default Parameters
Default Parameters
Compiling vs Polyfills
Compiling vs Polyfills with Babel
Async JavaScript
Callbacks, Promises, Async / Await
Guide to JavaScript’s prototype (and ES6 Classes)
JavaScript Modules
From IIFEs to CommonJS to ES6 Modules
Class Fields
Private and Public Class Fields
A fundamental understanding of JavaScript or familiarity with another programming language. For example, you should be comfortable with functions, arguments, loops, control flow, etc. If you want to jump straight in to the React courses, we recommend having a stronger knowledge of JavaScript, which you can get from our JavaScript courses if you’re unsure.
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English subtitle
Quality: 2160p
2.3 GB
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