Published on: 2020-04-01 12:27:37
Categories: 28
The Xilinx Vivado Beginners Course to FPGA Development in VHDL is one of the good courses in Yodem that teaches programmable digital integrated circuits or briefly FPGA in Vivado environment. Want to get acquainted with the new Vivado Design Suite environment? Are you moving to Vivado from the old ISE environment? New to FPGA? This course will teach you everything you need to learn to make these circuits in the shortest time possible. You may be wondering what I need to do despite the official Xilnx courses? Most of those courses spend a great deal of time teaching the basics, which while increasing the cost will also increase the learning time. But this is not the case, and it gives you the largest amount of information in the shortest amount of time.
The lecturer holds a master\’s degree in electronics engineering and is an FPGA design specialist. This person has had more than 7,300 students in Yodemi so far. This course teaches how to design, simulate, and implement HDL code in Vivado, and this tutorial is practical and understandable. As you progress through the course, you will be introduced to many of the fundamental concepts of the profession. This course gives you the following abilities:
Introduction to Vivado
3 Lectures 09:07
Lab 1
4 Lectures 25:42
Lab 2
2 Lectures 12:16
Lab 3
3 Lectures 17:37
Conclusion and Bonus Section
3 Lectures 09:35
Vivado Design Suite 2015.2 or higher
Basic Knowledge of VHDL
A 7 Series Xilinx FPGA Development Kit (Artix, Kintex or Virtex)
PC with Internet connection
Digital Design Experience
6 Series FPGA\’s are not supported in Vivado
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