Udemy – Vim Masterclass 2023-2

Udemy – Vim Masterclass 2023-2

Published on: 2023-02-15 05:49:36

Categories: 28



Vim Masterclass is a comprehensive training course vim text editing software for Linux, Unix, Mac and Windows operating systems . This. software features a very powerful that most specialists command line ( Command Line ) use the … but learning it on an individual basis and without the help of another source of task difficulty . The designer of this course aims to fix the same problem and make it easy to learn all the features of Vim . With the help of this course, you will be fluent with the fastest ways to master the basics and basic features as well as highly advanced vim features . This application is for everyone with the command line, it works like the system administrators and … developers, database managers, etc., and also to edit effectively, all the text files, such as configuration server, the script shell, source code and many other is ideal .

This course has covered a variety of topics . Work with multiple files, such as simultaneous display and transfer text files to each other, use the shortcut the necessary keyboards, plus how to memorize easier on them and find and replace a complete block of information in a file ( for example, for refining a code and change the names of all variables ), including the topics of the course are . Also how to use the clipboard embedded in Vim and use the history of it, choose and edit video text block and dominate objects in the text in Vim, edit the vertical ( columnar ) and activation mode, highlighted Syntax and personalize the colors of the other topics that are . Many examples and exercises are also included throughout this course, which makes learning its topics better .

What things to learn

Fast and effective editing of text files (Plain text files ) with vim text editor
Dominate essential keyboard shortcuts and build new Shortcuts
Use internal vim guide system
Macros implementation for quick repetition of complex editing
Select Edit and replace text blocks
And …

This training suits people who

Everyone needs to edit text files in a command Line environment

Profile Vim Masterclass

Publisher: Udemy
Lecturer: Jason Cannon
Language: English
Training level: from preliminary to advanced
Number of lessons: 50 lessons
Duration: 7h 38m

Head seasons Vim Masterclass

Vim Masterclass



Vim Masterclass

Sample movie

Installation guide

After the Extract with the Player your custom view.

Subtitles: None

Quality: 720p


The 2020/12 version has increased by about 70 MB compared to the 2017/6 volume. Subtitle added.

Version 2023/2 compared to 2020/12 has increased by 1 lesson and duration of 26 minutes. This lesson (Vim Plugins Section) , Added separately.

Download link

Download Course – 783 MB

Download Vim Masterclass 2023-2 (Vim Plugins Section Only)

Password file(s): www.abc.com

File size

835 MB

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