Published on: 2024-09-16 19:20:43
Categories: 28
Unit Testing .Net Core 3 Applications with xUnit .net & MOQ name of a course from the website Udemy is how to write unit test projects NET Core 3. To help teaching gives. a test tool unit free and open-source for Framework NET. Is by the manufacturer, NUnit is written. Unit testing is also a method in programming is to test small units of source code, the program is used.
This course is a training course can be applied that on the unit test projects NET Core 3. With the use of xUnit .net focuses on. You use this tool, you can unit test project C# VB.NET and #F to do, and the key commands programming NET core. To easily run. Tutor course to teach you how to test the unit programs NET core. To write, how of the functionality testing data-centric use, and how the technique of TDD benefit.
After the Extract with the Player your custom view.
Subtitles: English
Quality: 720p
The version of 2024/6 compared to 2019/5 has increased the number of 24 lessons and the duration of 2 hours 50 minutes.
829 MB
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