Published on: 2020-03-19 23:34:02
Categories: 28
Unit Testing for C # Developers is the name of the video development suite in the field of development and programming, and in the software testing and unit testing section. The tutorial ahead of you is to test the software development program for C # programmers. In this course you will be able to learn advanced and advanced unit testing with the help of NUnit and Moq. This way, you can help with troubleshooting as well as troubleshooting with unit test training.
By using Unit Testing you will be able to troubleshoot it before releasing your software and deliver the best quality and performance possible from your software when releasing your product. Unlike some people who find it unnecessary to do a unit test, you will need a unit test to always write the best code without any flaws.
Dear students, by observing and learning this course, you will be able to test your coded software with c # and remove any possible defects. Dear students, you\’ll have 86 video tutorials to learn the essential concepts, tips and techniques.
Getting Started
14 lectures
Fundamentals of Unit Testing
13 lectures
Core Unit Testing Techniques
11 lectures
6 lectures
Breaking External Dependencies
14 lectures
9 lectures
Project- Testing BookingHelper
8 lectures
Project- HouseKeeperHelper
11 lectures
Minimum 3 months programming in C #
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This tutorial has English subtitles.
Download Udemy-Unit_Testing_for_CSharp_Developers_2018-4
742 MB
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