Published on: 2020-03-12 14:13:52
Categories: 28
The Unity C # Survival Guide is a game-making training course that turns you into a #C coding expert at Unity Engine. Designed in collaboration with Unity Technologies, this course is suitable for beginner to advanced players. In the early part of the course you will be introduced to the basic topics of Unity and C # coding, and then you will gradually learn more professional concepts. In this course, you face 50 different challenges and increase your skills in game making.
This course helps you to master C # and become a top level game developer. By watching this course, you can add professional-level coding logic to your projects, learn game programming templates, learn classes and interfaces completely, and get ready to find different job opportunities. .
166 lectures 12:21:51
2 lectures 02:11
1. Unity Quick Tips
13 lectures 01:04:16
2. Variables
13 lectures 51:04
3. If-Then Logic
15 lectures 46:12
4. Switch Statements
8 lectures 23:55
5. Loops
13 lectures 45:28
6. Arrays
13 lectures 45:46
7. Functions Vs. Methods
12 lectures 41:09
8. Classes
14 lectures 01:45:05
9. Static Types
8 lectures 43:14
10. Properties
6 lectures 22:00
11. Namespaces
2 lectures 12:34
12. Lists
7 lectures 46:57
13. Enums
4 lectures 23:13
14. Dictionaries
5 lectures 31:12
15. Abstract Classes & Interfaces
6 lectures 31:40
16. Delegates & Events
14 lectures 01:12:28
17. LINQ – Language-Integrated Query
10 lectures 32:26
1 lecture 01:01
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English subtitle
Quality: 720p
5.12 GB
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