Udemy – The Rust Programming Language 2020-9

Udemy – The Rust Programming Language 2020-9

Published on: 2021-02-16 08:59:13

Categories: 28



The Rust Programming Language, name of a course to teach a programming language, systems, modern, and powerful, and of course safe is paramount. In this course will give you the basics of the programming language Rust as a programming language, modern, that is the power of the code is original, along with the security of a number of language management is, training will be given. You in this course with different cases will be familiar: how to download and install Rust, etc. how to compile programs and how to work with IDE., the basics of the basics data types and how to use them to define a variable, understand arrays, etc. vector fields and the concept of slices, training, construction, functions, method of data. closures and functions with Priority. High, understanding how to build a variety of structured data like structs, etc. enums and traits, and other items that in the course of training data are.

What is in this course learn:

Specifications volume:

Publisher: Udemy
instructor: Dmitri Nesteruk
language: English,
educational level: introductory to advanced,
the number of lessons: 61
Duration Time: 8 hours and 18 minutes

In this course The Rust Programming Language :

The Rust Programming Language contents

Prerequisite course:

Basic knowledge of computer science
A computer with a Rust-enabled IDE (VisualRust, intellij-rust, etc.)


The Rust Programming Language

Sample movie

Installation guide

After the Extract, watch it with the Player you like.

Subtitles: English

Quality: 720


Version 2020/9 compared to 2020/4 about 200 MB increased.

Download link

Download Part 1 – 1 GB

Download Part 2 – 505 MB

Password file(s): www.abc.com

File size

1.49 GB

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