Published on: 2021-05-31 15:55:40
Categories: 28
The Comprehensive 2021 Android Development Masterclass is an Android programming course that teaches you how to build new software using APIs such as the ROOM Database using technologies such as Firestore, Firebase and Android Studio. Android is the most popular operating system in the world and the development of software for this platform offers many opportunities. If you are going to learn how to build software for Android and implement your ideas, don’t miss this course.
In this course you will be thoroughly familiar with Android programming, working with Android Studio, and using Java object-oriented programming to build modern and functional software. You will learn the Java language completely over the course and see how to build several Android software. The lecturer familiarizes you with the Android Internal Persistence API and software design and explains working with ROOM Persistence and the Firestore database.
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English subtitle
Quality: 720p
Version 2021/4 has increased by 63 lessons and about 6.5 hours compared to 2020/2.
30.3 GB
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