Udemy – The Complete Python & PostgreSQL Developer Course 2020-2

Udemy – The Complete Python & PostgreSQL Developer Course 2020-2

Published on: 2020-03-24 13:13:55

Categories: 28



The Complete Python & PostgreSQL Developer Course name a course from the website Udemy is that programming with Python and PostgreSQL, with the construction of 9 projects to teach you. Python is one of the most popular programming languages is that by companies in the various technology used. Python language in the industry, the technology for things like web development, etc. software, controller, etc. making desktop apps, and even development, mobile app goes to work. PostgreSQL is a database management system, the relationship can be that of the SQL language supported. You this system, can big data will simply save, receive, and filter the program قدرتمندتری to There gain.

This course, with topics introductory about Python language and PostgreSQL begins and in the end helps you to be an expert in the field of these two technologies become. Tutor period with the construction of 9 projects to help the python and SQL tries to take you for practical programming, Python, familiar and how to work with real projects to teach you. This course is prerequisite for certain not need, and the content from levels beginner to advanced teaching you can give.

Cases in which the course is taught:

Profile course The Complete Python & PostgreSQL Developer Course :

The headlines course :

Course content
184 lectures 21:50:14

Installing Python
3 lectures 07:12

Python 101
11 lectures 41:18

Magic Numbers in Python
10 lectures 53:37

A Lottery app
7 lectures 38:15

More complex applications: a student registration system
12 lectures 01:15:52

Object-Oriented Programming: a movie rental system
14 lectures 01:45:07

Introduction to PostgreSQL
23 lectures 02:36:46

Advanced PostgreSQL
6 lectures 01:08:38

Python and PostgreSQL
22 lectures 02:37:07

Python Web and APIs
27 lectures 04:38:10

Introduction to Git and GitHub
15 lectures 01:10:05

Advanced Python
15 lectures 02:23:36

Data Structures and Algorithms
17 lectures 01:53:26

2 lectures 01:02

Prerequisite course The Complete Python & PostgreSQL Developer Course


The Complete Python & PostgreSQL Developer Course

Sample movie

Installation guide

After the Extract with the Player your custom view.

Subtitles: English

Quality: 720p


Version 2020/2 compared to 2019/6 varying from 9 minutes reduction time.

Download link

Download Part 1 – 1 GB

Download Part 2 – 1 GB

Download Part 3 – 595 MB

Password file(s): www.abc.com

File size

2.58 GB

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