Udemy – The Complete Presentation and Public Speaking/Speech Course 2019-1

Udemy – The Complete Presentation and Public Speaking/Speech Course 2019-1

Published on: 2020-03-19 21:40:12

Categories: 28



The Complete Presentation and Public Speaking-Speech Course is one of Yemen\’s best-selling and most popular teaching of presentation, speech and speech skills. Chris Aaron, author, entrepreneur, and lecturer of this course, has been a guest speaker at the TEDx conference several times and has given high assurance in explaining his course so that you can fully recover your money if it doesn\’t work out! A good speech and presentation can affect your life and that of many others. The goal of this course is to teach you all the skills you need to have a successful business or personal lecture / presentation. The topics presented in this course are based on the lecturer\’s valuable experiences and you will not deal with theoretical topics at all.

Course Content The Complete Presentation and Public Speaking-Speech Course:

Course specifications The Complete Presentation and Public Speaking-Speech Course:

Full list of educational topics and topics

Course content
206 lectures 16:01:04

INTRODUCTION: Course Outline (One Perfect Presentation Can Change Your Life)
4 lectures 39:16

ACT 1: AUDIENCE: Identify & Identify with Your Audience (“The Customer”)
7 lectures 56:38

ACT 2: PURPOSE: What\’s the Purpose of Your Speech (Begin with the End Goal)
4 lectures 19:25

ACT 3: CONTENT: Scene 1: How to START Your Presentation
14 lectures 01:32:41

ACT 3: CONTENT: Scene 2: What to Include and How to Structure the Content
12 lectures 01:19:34

ACT 3: CONTENT: Scene 3: Beating Writer\’s Block & ENDING Your Presentation
8 lectures 37:17

ACT 3: CONTENT: Scene 4: Getting Feedback & Testing the Presentation Content
5 lectures 20:35

FIRST INTERMISSION: Your 1st Presentation Exercise & Analyze my TEDx Talk
4 lectures 22:06

ACT 4: SLIDES: Scene 1: Creating the Slides & Presentation Software Guide
15 lectures 02:14:52

ACT 4: SLIDES: Scene 2: Customizing Images & Adding Music
8 lectures 41:42

ACT 4: SLIDES: Scene 3: Adding Videos / Animation and Other Topics
3 lectures 41:16

ACT 4: SLIDES: Scene 4: 10 Presentation / Slide Content Case Studies
11 lectures 01:26:04

ACT 5: CONFIDENCE: Conquering the Fear of Public Speaking and Presentations
4 lectures 33:42

ACT 6: DELIVERY: Scene 1: Creating the Delivery (from Page to Stage!)
12 lectures 58:19

ACT 6: DELIVERY: Scene 2: Body Language
8 lectures 22:37

SECOND INTERMISSION: Your 2nd Presentation Exercise & Analyze My Company Speech
5 lectures 22:25

ACT 7: QUESTIONS: SCENE 1: Q&A Reading the Audience (Are They Paying Attention)
6 lectures 21:03

ACT 7: QUESTIONS: SCENE 2: Transition Words, Words Not to UseWords That Buy Time
6 lectures 12:09

ACT 7: QUESTIONS: SCENE 3: How To Know What The Next Question Is They Will Ask?
2 lectures 07:51

ACT 7: QUESTIONS: SCENE 4: Other Important Q&A Strategies to Use When Presenting
9 lectures 16:42

ACT 8: PRACTICE: How to Prepare (and be Aware) for Your Speech
10 lectures 29:27

ACT 9: APPEARANCE: What to Wear to Eat Sleep into an Ideal State of Mind
5 lectures 12:45

ACT 10: POST PRESENTATION TO DO\’S: Did You Accomplish Everything? If Not Then…
5 lectures 06:13

ACT 11: 25 Presentation Guides / 50 Templates / Ideas… (Sorted Alphabetically)
27 lectures 27:27

THIRD INTERMISSION: Your 3rd and Final Presentation Exercise
4 lectures 07:28

ACT 12: Additional Resources
5 lectures 2:59 pm

Conclusion / Epilogue (Congratulations!)
1 lecture07: 33

Bonus lectures: YOU 2.0 Coupons / Largest Discounts on ALL Courses I Teach
2 lectures 1:55


  • Anyone can take this course (no prior knowledge of creating speeches or presentations or public speaking required)!
  • Optional: access to any presentation software product (ie, PowerPoint, Keynote, etc… or none – completely up to you)!
  • No prior knowledge of how to make presentations using software is required (many of the presentations of software products used in the course are free).

Images from The Complete Presentation and Public Speaking-Speech Course

The Complete Presentation and Public Speaking / Speech Course

Sample movie

Installation guide

After Extract with the Player you want to see.

This tutorial is provided with English subtitles.

Video quality is 720p.

download link

Download part 1 – 4 GB

Download part 2 – 4 GB

Download part 3 – 4 GB

Download part 4 – 4 GB

Download part 5 – 2.59 MB

File password (s): www.abc.com


18.5 GB

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