Published on: 2020-03-19 21:40:12
Categories: 28
The Complete Presentation and Public Speaking-Speech Course is one of Yemen\’s best-selling and most popular teaching of presentation, speech and speech skills. Chris Aaron, author, entrepreneur, and lecturer of this course, has been a guest speaker at the TEDx conference several times and has given high assurance in explaining his course so that you can fully recover your money if it doesn\’t work out! A good speech and presentation can affect your life and that of many others. The goal of this course is to teach you all the skills you need to have a successful business or personal lecture / presentation. The topics presented in this course are based on the lecturer\’s valuable experiences and you will not deal with theoretical topics at all.
Course content
206 lectures 16:01:04
INTRODUCTION: Course Outline (One Perfect Presentation Can Change Your Life)
4 lectures 39:16
ACT 1: AUDIENCE: Identify & Identify with Your Audience (“The Customer”)
7 lectures 56:38
ACT 2: PURPOSE: What\’s the Purpose of Your Speech (Begin with the End Goal)
4 lectures 19:25
ACT 3: CONTENT: Scene 1: How to START Your Presentation
14 lectures 01:32:41
ACT 3: CONTENT: Scene 2: What to Include and How to Structure the Content
12 lectures 01:19:34
ACT 3: CONTENT: Scene 3: Beating Writer\’s Block & ENDING Your Presentation
8 lectures 37:17
ACT 3: CONTENT: Scene 4: Getting Feedback & Testing the Presentation Content
5 lectures 20:35
FIRST INTERMISSION: Your 1st Presentation Exercise & Analyze my TEDx Talk
4 lectures 22:06
ACT 4: SLIDES: Scene 1: Creating the Slides & Presentation Software Guide
15 lectures 02:14:52
ACT 4: SLIDES: Scene 2: Customizing Images & Adding Music
8 lectures 41:42
ACT 4: SLIDES: Scene 3: Adding Videos / Animation and Other Topics
3 lectures 41:16
ACT 4: SLIDES: Scene 4: 10 Presentation / Slide Content Case Studies
11 lectures 01:26:04
ACT 5: CONFIDENCE: Conquering the Fear of Public Speaking and Presentations
4 lectures 33:42
ACT 6: DELIVERY: Scene 1: Creating the Delivery (from Page to Stage!)
12 lectures 58:19
ACT 6: DELIVERY: Scene 2: Body Language
8 lectures 22:37
SECOND INTERMISSION: Your 2nd Presentation Exercise & Analyze My Company Speech
5 lectures 22:25
ACT 7: QUESTIONS: SCENE 1: Q&A Reading the Audience (Are They Paying Attention)
6 lectures 21:03
ACT 7: QUESTIONS: SCENE 2: Transition Words, Words Not to UseWords That Buy Time
6 lectures 12:09
ACT 7: QUESTIONS: SCENE 3: How To Know What The Next Question Is They Will Ask?
2 lectures 07:51
ACT 7: QUESTIONS: SCENE 4: Other Important Q&A Strategies to Use When Presenting
9 lectures 16:42
ACT 8: PRACTICE: How to Prepare (and be Aware) for Your Speech
10 lectures 29:27
ACT 9: APPEARANCE: What to Wear to Eat Sleep into an Ideal State of Mind
5 lectures 12:45
ACT 10: POST PRESENTATION TO DO\’S: Did You Accomplish Everything? If Not Then…
5 lectures 06:13
ACT 11: 25 Presentation Guides / 50 Templates / Ideas… (Sorted Alphabetically)
27 lectures 27:27
THIRD INTERMISSION: Your 3rd and Final Presentation Exercise
4 lectures 07:28
ACT 12: Additional Resources
5 lectures 2:59 pm
Conclusion / Epilogue (Congratulations!)
1 lecture07: 33
Bonus lectures: YOU 2.0 Coupons / Largest Discounts on ALL Courses I Teach
2 lectures 1:55
After Extract with the Player you want to see.
This tutorial is provided with English subtitles.
Video quality is 720p.
18.5 GB
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