Udemy – The Complete Electronics Course: Analog Hardware Design 2023-4
Published on: 2024-09-30 07:03:35
Categories: 28
The Complete Electronics Course: Analog Hardware Design, a training course for electronics from zero to an advanced understanding of how the function of the circuit is. In the course of the basics of starting, and we will ahead we will go, we’ll attempt to circuit complex and more complicated to understand that eventually you will notice that dont complexity is not, and these circuits quite understandable are.
What the period of The Complete Electronics Course: Analog Hardware Design learn:
- Development and construction of the circuit, utility, electronics, analog
- Covering more than 100 circuit in this period, From OHM’s law and Kirchhoff how the function of amplifier Class D
- Voltage divider and the theory Thevenin
- Diode Zener and its application
- Different types of signals (sine, ramp, triangle, pulse, steps, and spikes)
- DB
- Understand different types of capacitor and inductor are
- RC Time constant with example applications
- Converters
- Types of diode and its application
- half wave and full wave
- Protect stream conversely, mutations voltage, and gate logic
- signal and a gate diode
- Impedance and reactance
- Input impedance and output, and measure them
- Understand the hows modulation
- The slopes, frequency and phase modulation
- Understand how to design an FM radio or AM
- Transistor, the bipolar and the difference between NPN and PNP
- Understand how the design of a generator, pulse fit
- How to design amplifier Class-A-B-AB-C, D
Specifications period
- Publisher: Udemy
- Teachers: Hardware Academy
- Language: English
- Educational level: introductory
- The number of lessons: 213
- Time: 24h 15m
Course Content

Prerequisite course:
A computer in order to simulate the circuits that we are going to build together.
A basic understanding of mathematics.
This course covers two years of knowledge that you could acquire, if you were attending a BSc, so you will need to have a bit of patient..
A good understanding of English, even though the author tries to explain everything as simple as possible.

Sample movie
Installation guide
After the Extract, etc. with the Player your desired view.
Subtitles: English
Quality: 1080p
Version 2021/5 has increased by 24 lessons for 2 hours and 8 minutes compared to version 2020/11.
Version 2022/6 has increased by the number of 17 lessons and the duration of 2 hours and 3 minutes compared to 2021/5.
Version 2023/4 has decreased by 2 minutes compared to 2022/6. Also, the course quality has been increased from 720p to 1080p.
Download link
Download Part 1 – 2 GB
Download Part 2 – 2 GB
Download Part 3 – 2 GB
Download Part 4 – 2 GB
Download Part 5 – 2 GB
Download Part 6 – 634 MB
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
File size
10.6 GB
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