Published on: 2020-03-26 22:11:01
Categories: 28
SolidWorks 2019 Solid, Sheet metal and Weldments modeling is the name of a course from Udemy that teaches solid modeling, sheet metal modeling, and steel structure modeling in SolidWorks software. Most of the features of SolidWorks software are related to basic design, and this course attempts to explain these capabilities by focusing on 2D design features.
In this course, you will first learn the features and capabilities of SolidWorks software and then practice the exercises by remembering them in practice. The course instructor will teach you how to model solid, sheet metal, and steel structures and perform many real projects during the course. By watching this course you will increase your skills in mechanical parts modeling and learn SolidWorks software.
104 lectures 13:48:35
2 lectures 08:05
Sketch tools
7 lectures 18:02
Sketch editing tools
8 lectures 39:12
Sketch Practice
12 lectures 01:20:21
Other Sketch tools
5 lectures 37:26
Solid Modeling Features
19 lectures 02:26:49
Solid editing modeling feature
7 lectures 43:27
3D Sketch
2 lectures 10:40
Other Solid modeling editing features
8 lectures 01:20:32
Solid Modeling Practice
7 lectures 01:39:45
Sheet Metal Modeling
20 lectures 03:03:05
SolidWorks Weldments
7 lectures 01:21:11
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