Published on: 2020-11-09 02:31:47
Categories: 28
Scala and Spark for Big Data and Machine Learning, name of the training course framework Spark, and the language Scala for the analysis of big data and machine learning along with data frames Spark 2.0 . In this course, you will learn how to use these two valuable skills in today’s world and use them to analyze macro data . This course also comes with complete projects that include analyzing financial data and using machine learning to classify the behavior of customers of an electronic store .
This tutorial comes with the latest fundamentals, concepts and tools of Spark 2.0 so you’ll also get acquainted with how to use SparkSQL, Spark DataFrames and spark’s MLlib . Among the topics of this course include the programming language Scala, etc. overview of the ecosystem big data and Spark, use the Spark’s MLlib for machine learning, expanding the application of the Spark to use the web service of Amazon, learn how to use platform, huge data Databrick, and many other noted . By completing this course and mastering these two skills, you can from them to strengthen your resume and in the field of analysis of big data be employed .
Use Scala language for programming
Use dataframe Spark 2.0 to read and manipulate data
Use Spark to process massive data sets
How to use Spark on AWS and DataBricks platforms
People who are familiar with programming and are also interested in learning macro data technologies
People who are interested in using the Spark framework and the Scala language for machine learning and massive data sets
Publisher: Udemy
Lecturer: Jose Portilla
Language: English
Training level: from preliminary to advanced
Number of lessons: 80 lessons in 17 sections
Duration: 10h 11m
After the Extract with the Player your custom view.
Subtitles: English
Quality: 720p
1.18 GB
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