Udemy – R Programming: Advanced Analytics In R For Data Science 2020-3

Udemy – R Programming: Advanced Analytics In R For Data Science 2020-3

Published on: 2020-03-22 07:14:29

Categories: 28



R Programming: Advanced Analytics In R, a new collection of video tutorials on the R programming language. Period before you as an advanced course known. What you will learn in the course of the analysis and the analysis of data to help in the R programming language. In fact, you have to watch the training video course you need a basic familiarity with the R programming language in mind. You watch the video to a new level training offered in this course in a programming language you\’ll find R entry.

In this course you learn how to extract data for analysis on it to help learn programming R. You also how to calculate the average value, work with time and date, how to make the list and how to work with them, using the key functions and learn so well. On the other hand you how to apply, lapput and sapply to learn the ring.

Where the course is taught:

Profile period:

Headlines of R Programming: Advanced Analytics In R

Content Course
51 lectures 05:56:15

To The Course Welcome
3 lectures 06:55

Preparation Data
22 lectures 02:27:13

In R Lists
11 lectures 01:28:47

\”Apply\” Family of Functions
14 lectures 01:51:27

Lectures Bonus
1 lecture 01:53

Prerequisite Courses

R Programming: Advanced Analytics In R Requirements


R Programming: Advanced Analytics In R For Data Science

Movie Sample

Installation guide

After Extract see with your own Player.

English subtitle

Quality: 720p


Version 2020/3 to 2018/6 is a volume increase of about 100 megabytes. All other changes are not available.

download link

Download the 1-1 Gygababt

Download section 2-532 MB

Password file (s): www.downloadly.ir


1.51 GB

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