Published on: 2021-02-28 00:14:56
Categories: 28
Qt Quick and QML – Advanced (Qt 5) : Interfacing to C++, name of a period of training in the use of the model, the C++ personalization is in QML, make a variety of C++ QML visual yourself, use Singletons and Dig Deep below. You must now say a little about Qt and C++, and Qt Quick, learn, and to learn the advanced features interesting note, if same is the case then this course is absolutely is right for you. This course has 4 vital point in mystery, the interface of C++ with QML, which is at the beginning of the description is given. During this period, we are the best way to write the Code C++ and QML and API in a manner that legible and more. more user-friendly and reliable maintenance to be more training, we. In this course, examples, and sample demo a lot has been brought up experience یادگیریتان as much as possible more enjoyable help.
Publisher: Udemy
teachers: Daniel Gakwaya
language: English,
educational level: the average
number of courses: 41
Duration Time: 6 hours and 30 minutes
After the Extract, etc. with the Player your desired view.
Subtitles: no
Quality: 720
5 GB
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