Udemy – Python Ethical Hacking : Build tools for ethical hacking 2020-5

Udemy – Python Ethical Hacking : Build tools for ethical hacking 2020-5

Published on: 2020-08-25 14:16:09

Categories: 28



Python Ethical Hacking : Build tools for ethical hacking is a course of making all kinds of hacking tools based on the Python language . Ethical Hacking or ethical hacking is a kind of authorized hacking that aims to conduct security checks and find vulnerabilities in a system . For this purpose, using Python as a language with syntax simplifies the task . The popularity and power of this language is so important that in topics different, such as, machine learning, etc., science, data, and of course, cyber security is about using the Placed, and choose Python as the language of the hack in this period also that is why .

During this tutorial, you will first get acquainted with the foundation of computer networks and the definition of hacking . Then you will learn about IP topics such as finding an IP location and how to stay hidden on the internet . In the next more advanced topics, you will also learn how to make malware undetected and Trojans . The use of advanced methods such as backdoor to run command system on the victim computer, and download and upload given to it from other topics of this course are . This training package also teaches you how to steal the WiFi password stored on the computer and intercept and disconnect packets on the network . Finally, after mastering a variety of vulnerabilities, etc. how to protect yourself against them also learn .

What things to learn

Learn the foundations of computer networks and define hacks
Anonymity on the internet, find out the location of the IP
Execute system commands and upload and download files on the victim\\\’s computer
Intercept, disconnect and manipulate network packets
Build undetectable malware trojan and key logger
Break the WiFi password, encrypt zip files
Man in the middle attack
And …

This training suits people who

Beginner Python developers who are interested in learning ethical hacking
Cyber security enthusiasts who want to get acquainted with the hack for advanced
People who have an interest in getting to know the hack

Specifications of Python Ethical Hacking : Build tools for ethical hacking

Publisher: Udemy
Lecturer: Fahad Sarwar, Frahaan Hussain
Language: English
Training level : Beginner
Number of lessons: 122 lessons in 23 sections
Duration: 9h 48m

Head seasons

Python Ethical Hacking Build tools for ethical hacking



Python Ethical Hacking Build tools for ethical hacking

Sample movie

Installation guide

After the Extract with the Player your custom view.

Subtitles: English

Quality: 720p

Download link

Download Part 1 – 1 GB

Download Part 2 – 1 GB

Download Part 3 – 1 GB

Download Part 4 – 851 MB

Password file(s): www.abc.com

File size

3.85 GB

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