Udemy – Practice Python with 100 Python Exercises 2022-3

Udemy – Practice Python with 100 Python Exercises 2022-3

Published on: 2023-01-01 18:41:48

Categories: 28



Practice Python with 100 Python Exercises is the name of a Python-based development and programming video tutorial. In fact, you will improve your skills in this course by doing 100 Python programming exercises. In fact, this course is not for people who are unfamiliar with the Python programming language. To watch this course and evaluate your skills you need to be familiar with Python language and concepts such as variables, functions, loops and so on.

The exercises begin at a simple level and become more difficult as each exercise progresses. By doing this course, you will significantly improve your ability to solve programming problems. You will also be given the solution along with the necessary explanations after each exercise. At the end of this course and by solving all 100 exercises of this course you will become a master of Python programming. This course is suitable for those who are unfamiliar with the Python programming language and are looking to enhance their skills.

Courses taught in this course:

Python Exercises Course Profile: Evaluate and Improve Your Skills

Practice Python with 100 Python Exercises Course Content

Practice Python with 100 Python Exercises

Course prerequisites

Images of Practice Python with 100 Python Exercises

Practice Python with 100 Python Exercises

Sample movie Practice Python with 100 Python Exercises

User manual

View with your favorite Player after Extract.

English subtitle

Quality: 720p

Previous title:

100 Python Exercises: Evaluate and Improve Your Skills


Version 2019/10 has increased by about 19 minutes compared to the 2019/7.

Version 2022/3 has increased by 1 lesson compared to 2019/10. Also, the size of the file has increased by about 90 MB.

Download link

Download Course – 306 MB

File password (s): www.abc.com


306 MB

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