Published on: 2024-10-15 14:25:27
Categories: 28
Practical Linux Malware Development, Over the past couple years, Linux malware has been on the rise . This has created a greater interest in studying and analyzing such threats against Linux platforms . This course aims to equip you with the knowledge to not only emulate such threats, but also be in a better position to detect and mitigate them from your Linux environments . This course will take you through developing your very own Linux malware with capabilities like executing shell commands, file transfer and taking screenshots . You will also learn how to achieve persistence in Linux . Finally, we will create our own custom server using the Python programming language . The server is what we will be using to interact with the malware on the target system . That makes the course therefore relevant to both red teamers and blue teamers . System administrators will also benefit from the course . Red teamers will be better equipped to emulate such threats against Linux environments, while blue teamers and system administrators alike will be in a better position to detect and properly respond to such threats . Also, if you are a software engineer interested in more hands-on learning about the programming language, this course will definitely help you with that . Python is also used, and this makes the course also suit python programming enthusiasts .
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Quality: 720p
498 MB
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