Published on: 2022-12-10 02:47:33
Categories: 28
OSINT: Open-Source Intelligence, the name of the intelligence training course (information ) is open source or OSINT from the viewing angle of a hacker . OSINT is a collection of information and data that is available to everyone and is in front of confidential and so-called closed source information . This course first you take with OSINT and its application to the familiar and then the tools, techniques, etc. set up a virtual lab and, of course, how to protect yourself against it teach .
This tutorial is a comprehensive course from OSINT that describes how to use free and open source tools to investigate individuals and companies . What acquaintance previous to the wonderful world of OSINT, or hack have or not have, this is the course for step by step to show you that hacker and researchers how and why of this tool for Career use .
Earn a good understanding of OSINT and apply it
Familiarity with the required tools
Getting to know how to use your information on the internet against yourself and how to protect yourself
Some principles and foundations of Linux
How to build a personal virtual laboratory
All OSINT learning enthusiasts
Hackers, security professionals, researchers and people interested in the field of security
Publisher: Udemy
Lecturer : Jeff M
Language: English
Training level: from preliminary to advanced
Number of lessons: 101 lessons
Duration: 9h 1m
After the Extract with the Player your custom view.
Subtitles: English
Quality: 720p
Version 2022/9 compared to 2020/9 has increased the number of 28 lessons and the duration of 3 hours and 3 minutes.
3.47 GB
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