Published on: 2020-08-09 12:20:39
Categories: 28
OpenShift for the Absolute Beginners – Hands-on, the period of training that is platform personal OpenShift for beginners to complete training. This course uses lessons, demos, quiz and coding exercises to train the open shift.
This course includes simple and understandable OpenShift lessons to perfectly beginner subjects. Lessons include demos that teach you how to install and start working with OpenShift. Coding exercises in this course will help you to practice OpenShift config files in YAML. You develop OpenShift configuration files for different occasions and in your browser. Coding exercises will help you verify the authenticity of written codes.
This course also includes assignments that will test your skills. These assignments will allow you to do more research and development in this area and develop OpenShift personal clusters.
Implementation of OpenShift cluster
Implementation of the app in cluster OpenShift
Install and integrate OpenShift and SCM
Create templets and custom item catalogs in OpenShift
Implementation of the application Hey several services in OpenShift
Publisher:: Udemy
Lecturer: Mumshad Mannambeth
Duration: 3h 10m
Number of lessons: 42 lessons
Language: English
Basic System Administration
Introduction to Containers (Not Mandatory as we cover this in this course)
Basics of Kubernetes (Not Mandatory as we cover this in this course)
Basics of Web Development – Simple Python web application
See after Extract with your favorite Player.
Subtitle: English
Quality: 720p
1.98 GB
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