Udemy – .NET 8 Microservices: DDD, CQRS, Vertical/Clean Architecture 2024-3

Udemy – .NET 8 Microservices: DDD, CQRS, Vertical/Clean Architecture 2024-3

Published on: 2024-08-29 05:03:00

Categories: 28



.NET 8 Microservices: DDD, CQRS, Vertical/Clean Architecture, micro-service architecture course and its implementation in NET Core. Using Asp.Net Web API, Docker, RabbitMQ, MongoDB, Redis, sqlserver and Ocelot gateway API . Micro-service, a design pattern is the … applications from the implementation of smaller and independent from, yet in communication with each other to help contract quite specified have been formed . This tutorial to architecture modules, the virtual store with the use of micro-services, such as goods, etc. catalogue, shopping cart and order process. with the technology, independent of SQL, i.e., MongoDB and Redis and databases, the relational ( Sql Server ), etc., along with the connection to the communication event, the axis of RabbitMQ by the gate Ocelot API is dedicated .

Step by step architecture, design and implementation of these micro-services in NET. Included in this course . In the design of this micro service in addition to the technology listed etc. operations CRUD, etc. implement Swagger, Open API, etc. Dockerfile, etc. MediatR, etc. Autofac, etc. FluentValidator and many others can also learn . This tutorial you will see how to write the code with the quality, description of the architecture of an application layered design approach, Domain-Driven Design and implementation of architecture, hexagonal ( Hexagonal ), etc. next to apply the principles of SOLID and the use of design patterns to inject dependencies, and many other familiar works . In general, this tutorial is used to learn different micro-service coding on the net platform. With the help of various technologies, familiarity with Relevant Concepts is appropriate .

What things to learn

Development of micro services with ASPNET Core Web API with REST API principles
Independent SQL databases like Mongo DB and Redis using Docker
Implement clean architecture using CQRS pattern
ASPNET Core web application using Razor Pages
And …

This training suits people who

Beginner developers AspNet Core who are interested in using APIs and micro services
#C developers who tend to learn to build micro-services on Net. Have
Software engineers who want to deal with micro services

Profile .NET 8 Microservices: DDD, CQRS, Vertical/Clean Architecture

Head seasons

.NET 8 Microservices: DDD, CQRS, Vertical/Clean Architecture



.NET 8 Microservices: DDD, CQRS, Vertical/Clean Architecture

Sample movie

Installation guide

After the Extract with the Player your custom view.

Subtitles: English

Quality: 720p

Get the source code of the course from this link

Previous title:

Microservices Architecture and Implementation on .NET 5


Version 2021/5 has increased by 36 lessons and 11 hours compared to 2020/8.

Version 2023/3 compared to 2021/5 has decreased the number of 1 lesson and the duration of 5 minutes.

Version 2023/11 compared to 2023/3 has decreased the number of 4 lessons and the duration of 9 minutes. Also, the Quality of the course has increased from 720p to 1080p.

Version 2024/3 compared to 2023/11 has increased the number of 299 lessons and the duration of 24 hours and 9 minutes. Also, the Quality of the course has decreased from 1080p to 720p.

The new version of 2024/3 compared to the previous version of 2024/3 has reduced the number of 121 lessons and the duration of 20 hours.

Download link

Version 2024/3

Download Part 1 – 3 GB

Download Part 2 – 3 GB

Download Part 3 – 3 GB

Download Part 4 – 3 GB

Download Part 5 – 2.99 GB

Old Content [OLD COURSE] (Removed by the author)

Download Part 1 – 3 GB

Download Part 2 – 3 GB

Download Part 3 – 3 GB

Download Part 4 – 307 MB

Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir

File size

14.9 GB

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