Udemy – Modern Artificial Intelligence Masterclass: Build 6 Projects 2020-9

Udemy – Modern Artificial Intelligence Masterclass: Build 6 Projects 2020-9

Published on: 2020-12-07 00:01:36

Categories: 28



Modern Artificial Intelligence Masterclass: Build 6 Projects, comprehensive training course and artificial intelligence ( AI ) driven project . World Market Intelligence Artificial to the intensity is growing and it is estimated that to progress 248.6 billion dollar, achieve; to the same direction is that the demand for people prone to and skilled in the field of artificial intelligence in recent years has increased significantly . AI is a science that enables computers to imitate human intelligence such as decision making, reasoning, text processing and visual understanding . Artificial intelligence is a vast science that includes smaller fields such as machine learning, robotics and computer insight . Companies need to use AI power to improve their trends, reduce costs and increase revenue .

The aim of this course is to gain knowledge of the key aspects of modern artificial intelligence in an attractive and easy manner by you . During this period, you will be familiar with AI types such as emotional, explanatory and creative AI as well as its applications in health, business and economics . 6 project applications this period, which includes the classification of emotions, and recognize the key points of the face, diagnosis tumor, Meghri and locate it. categories of customers the market purchase by the use of algorithms, learn monitor, predict default credit cards with the use of the algorithm, the XG-Boost, Make a work of art with AI and image storage hidden layers with GradCam are, in learning and mastering this science are very useful . The course also includes various parts of the machine learning process, such as adjusting the hyperparameters, and uses TensorFlow 2.0 and AWS SageMaker to train and develop models .

What things to learn

Acquiring the necessary knowledge of key aspects of artificial intelligence and its applications
Develop an emotional AI with Tensorflow 2.0
Understand explainable AI concepts
Understanding the theory of segmentation models and resunet networks
Develop ANN models in Google colab environment and use its CPU and GPU power
DeepDream algorithm development and training
And …

This training suits people who

Business consultants who want to transform industries using AI power
All people who are engaged in artificial intelligence and want to advance their career and resume
With the insight that they want to harness AI’s ability to earn maximum revenue reduce costs and improve their business
Technology and technology enthusiasts and data scientists

Profile Modern Artificial Intelligence Masterclass: Build 6 Projects

Publisher: Udemy
Lecturer : Dr. Ryan Ahmed, Ph.D., MBA, Kirill Eremenko, Hadelin de Ponteves, SuperDataScience Team, Mitchell Bouchard
Language: English
Training level: Medium
Number of lessons: 88 lessons in 9 sections
Duration: 15h 7m

Head seasons

Modern Artificial Intelligence Masterclass Build 6 Projects



Modern Artificial Intelligence Masterclass Build 6 Projects

Sample movie

Installation guide

After the Extract with the Player your custom view.

Subtitles: English

Quality: 720p

Download link

Download Part 1 – 2 GB

Download Part 2 – 2 GB

Download Part 3 – 2 GB

Download Part 4 – 2 GB

Download Part 5 – 1.42 GB

Password file(s): www.abc.com

File size

9.42 GB

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