Published on: 2024-10-31 01:01:02
Categories: 28
Microsoft Excel Dashboard and Data Analysis Masterclass, Microsoft Excel dashboards are a powerful way to leverage Excel functionality, build and manage better presentations and improve your Excel and data visualization skills. In this course, I will use my 20+ years of Excel training to show you how to turn Excel into your personal Business Intelligence tool and create Interactive Charts and awesome Dashboards in Microsoft Excel. We’ll start by covering the critical Design principles of dashboards, the creation process, color tips, and layouts. Then I’ll walk you through all the methods of importing data into Excel. After that, I’ll explain over 25 functions and formulas we use in dashboards. Then we’ll dive into basic charts, advanced charting techniques, and dashboard components, like sparklines, data bars, color scales, icon sets, etc. Once we’ve mastered the basics, I’ll walk you through all the advanced dashboards components, like drop-down lists, filters, panel charts, rollover method, etc. Also, I’ll walk you through over ten interactive advanced charts, like bullet graphs, small multiples, and infographics. After that, I’ll explain all the form controls with a demo and detailed examples. The following section is about data analysis using pivot tables and charts. Once you complete a few sections, you will enter the first significant milestone project. We combine all the methods you learned to create a social media dashboard. Finally, you’re going to create with me four dashboards from scratch, starting with planning and setup.
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Subtitle : English
Quality: 720p
5.43 GB
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