Udemy – MERN From Scratch 2023 | eCommerce Platform 2023-8

Udemy – MERN From Scratch 2023 | eCommerce Platform 2023-8

Published on: 2023-11-23 03:00:35

Categories: 28



MERN From Scratch 2023 | eCommerce Platform is a comprehensive online store building course using the MERN software suite. Unlike many virtual store building courses that introduce and use pre-built plugins or platforms, this course is designed to build an online store from scratch, during which you will build a fully personalized store that It has various features. Rich shopping cart, review and rating of products, display of top products, management pages for managing goods, users and orders, order finalization process such as shipping and payment, product search and many more, including the features of this store It is virtual.

This course uses the MERN software suite of React and Redux libraries, the Express.js framework, and the MongoDB database to build the store and is project-oriented; So at the end of this course, you have completed a project to build a virtual store with rich features. Through the course ahead, with React Library functional components and hooks, React-Bootstrap UI library, component structuring, global status management with Redux (ie Actions and Reducers), build a rich back end with Express, work with Learn about MongoDB Database, JWT Authentication, Error Management, Environmental Variables, and more.

What things to learn :

This training suits people who :

Profile MERN From Scratch 2023 | eCommerce Platform :

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MERN From Scratch 2023 | eCommerce Platform



MERN From Scratch 2023 | eCommerce Platform

Sample movie

Installation guide

After the Extract with the Player your custom view.

Subtitles: English

Quality: 720p

Previous title:

MERN eCommerce From Scratch


Version 2020/10 compared to 2020/9 number of 3 lessons and 5 minutes increased.

Version 2020/11 has not changed in the number of courses and total time compared to 2020/10/ and has not been updated.

Version 2022/2 has increased the number of lessons by 1 and time by 1 minute compared to 2020/11-2020/10. The course from this date is also free.

Version 2023/6 compared to 2022/2 has decreased the duration of 1 hours and 52 minutes.

Version 2023/8 compared to 2023/6 has increased the number of 2 lessons and the duration of 27 minutes.

Download link

Download Part 1 – 1 GB

Download Part 2 – 1 GB

Download Part 3 – 1 GB

Download Part 4 – 1 GB

Download Part 5 – 761 MB

Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir

File size

4.76 GB

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