Published on: 2020-03-22 11:51:17
Categories: 28
Master Microsoft Excel Macros and Excel VBA is the name of a training series on working with powerful Microsoft Excel software. The following set helps you learn how to perform your daily routine tasks correctly and automatically. This course deals exclusively with two topics: Excel Macros and Excel VBA. With this course you will also learn how to write your own code easier. You will also learn the concepts correctly in this tutorial.
Dear students, you will learn using this course to prepare real projects from Excel Macros and Excel VBA from start to finish. In this course, you will also have 66 video tutorials, at the end of which you will become an expert in both Excel Macros and Excel VBA.
Course Introduction and Overview
2 Lectures
Project # 1: Using Excel\’s Macro Recorder Tool
8 Lectures
Excel VBA Concepts
8 Lectures
Project # 2: Moving Beyond the Basics and Into VBA
8 Lectures
Project # 3: Preparing and cleaning up data with a little VBA
7 Lectures
Project # 4: Using VBA to automate Excel Formulas
6 Lectures
Project # 5: Bringing it all together and creating a weekly report
5 Lectures
Project # 6: Working with VBA Forms
12 Lectures
Project # 7: Importing Data from Text Files
8 Lectures
Course Wrap Up
2 Lectures
In order to complete the detailed projects in this course, you will need Microsoft Excel loaded on your computer. Any version of Excel will work.
Videos have been recorded using Excel 2013, but Excel 2007, 2010, 2013 or 2016 will work in order to follow along.
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This tutorial has English subtitles.
1.13 GB
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