Published on: 2020-10-06 23:40:32
Categories: 28
Master Laravel with Vue.js Fullstack Development, a single-page web app build course using Laravel for PHP-based back-end development and Vue framework.js for front-end development is based on JavaScript . In fact, this course is designed to develop Fullstack web and build single-page web applications with the help of these two powerful and popular frameworks . In this tutorial, you will learn how to build a strong API in Laravel, a single-page application with the help of js and put them in conjunction with the condenser .
This course begins directly with the construction of a project and avoids the long-term explanation of only theories . All necessary concepts and acquaintances are explained through applied examples and taught step by step completing the project . The project under consideration of this period is to build an online booking app similar to popular booking websites . Controllers, etc. Eloquent the territory of jQuery, etc. event, models and resources HTTP including topics section Laravel and manage the situation nationwide ( Vuex ), the components and the Router, including the topics section Vue the course . It should be noted that proper mastery of the foundations of JavaScript and PHP (especially Object-Oriented Programming ) is necessary to start this course
Use Vue to build a single-page web application
Use Laravel to build a strong backend API for any application
Laravel and Vue combine to create a single-page web application
Authentication in the application with the help of Laravel Sanctum
Use Vue Router
Use VueX to manage global statuses
PHP developers who are looking to learn Laravel to build API
JavaScript developers who know the bases of PHP and want to start learning Vue
Laravel developers who want to strengthen their skills by learning Vue
Publisher: Udemy
Lecturer: Piotr Jura
Language: English
Training level: from preliminary to advanced
Number of lessons: 143 lessons in 12 sections
Duration: 17h 25m
After the Extract with the Player your custom view.
Subtitles: English
Quality: 720p
5.99 GB
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