Published on: 2020-08-11 16:33:12
Categories: 28
Linux Privilege Escalation for Beginners is an introductory course on how to upgrade the level of privilege Escalation user permissions on Linux.
In this course, you will be familiar with how to enumerate the Linux system using tools . Upgrade techniques include user access levels (kernel explosion ,license files, ATAK sudo, hack shell, SUID attacks, injection of shared objects and more …) Learn. Also other skills include capstone challenge, find permeable trained systems.
By completing this course you will learn a better understanding of the upgrade techniques for user access permissions. Also, completing this course will increase your readiness to take part in tests such as OSCP, eCPPT and CEH. This course has been developed for enthusiasts to acquire skills in the field of ethical hacking and cybersecurity. Also, people who are looking to increase their skills in upgrading the level of user access can take advantage of this course.
More familiar with ethical hacking and skills needed to test penetration
Common tools and methodologies for the communication of user access permissions
Privilege escalation techniques in Linux
Test preparation and flag style events
Publisher:: Udemy
Lecturer: Deo Martinez
Duration: 6h 20m
Number of lessons: 51 lessons
Language: English
Prior beginner hacking knowledge preferred
Prior virtualization knowledge preferred
Access to a Windows machine is preferred
See after Extract with your favorite Player.
Subtitle: English
Quality: 720p
2.59 GB
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