Published on: 2024-01-13 03:15:50
Categories: 28
Learn Ethical Hacking: Beginner to Advanced, etc. Set training in the field of ethical hacking (Ethical Hacking) is. In this course, ethical hacking, test, influence and skills of network security for all-round has been teaching. This course, you will have to complete with the home base cyber security meet.
At the beginning of the period, with Environment, Linux, Kali, and orders its base are familiar. Then with the tools needed to hack are familiar, and then enter the main topics as Footprinting, etc., Scanning., the penetration testing website. Hack WiFi, hack the system and… you will be. It should be noted that in this period, with the programming language Python, too, will be familiar.
An eager and open mind!
After the Extract with the Player your custom view.
Subtitles: English
Quality: 720p
The previous name of this tutorial is Learn Ethical Hacking in 2020: Beginner to Advanced! have been.
Version 2020/11 compared to 2019/11 changes in the number of courses and didn’t have the time, but because of the passage of more than 6 months from the previous update, etc. is updated.
Version 2021/7 compared to 2020/11 changes in the number of courses and didn’t have the time, but because of the passage of more than 8 months from the previous update, etc. is updated.
Version 2023/11 compared to 2022/11 has increased the number of 1 lesson and the duration of 2 minutes.
14.09 GB
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