Published on: 2020-03-13 11:51:45
Categories: 28
Learn DevOps: CI / CD with Jenkins using Pipelines and Docker is a tutorial from the Udemy website that teaches you how to use Jenkins to automate DevOps activities. Jenkins is an open source server automation software available for free. It is actually the most popular tool for continuous integration and continuous delivery of software, and today many small and large companies are taking advantage of it.
This tutorial will teach you how to work with Jenkins and how to use Jenkins DSL and Jenkins Pipelines to automate tasks better. These two technologies are a new way to take advantage of Jenkins and greatly increase productivity. The tutor also explains the code and automation infrastructure and explains how Jenkins Pipelines synchronize with popular tools like Docker, GitHub / Bitbucket, JFrog Artifactory, SonarQube, and Onelogin.
52 lectures 04:40:56
4 lectures 06:48
Introduction to Jenkins
5 lectures 26:20
Building a NodeJS app
4 lectures 27:03
Infrastructure as code and automation
1 lecture 03:51
Jenkins Job DSL
3 lectures 20:53
Jenkins Pipelines
6 lectures 34:43
Jenkins Integrations
14 lectures 01:34:14
Advanced Jenkins usage
13 lectures 01:03:35
The end
2 lectures 03:40
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English subtitle
Quality: 720p
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