Published on: 2024-10-15 23:48:30
Categories: 28
Learn CNC (Operating+Setting) in English, We offer online cnc (turning) course in which We have covered cnc operating and cnc setting in detail and you are going to learn all these in two control panels which are Fanuc and Siemens. We also have given practical knowledge with the help of cnc simulators so that you can understand all the concepts very clearly. And also we will guide you with the help of 2 career guidance videos so that you can achieve your career goals easily with less time. Teaching Process has stayed same for decades. The offline teaching are plagued with multiple inefficiencies. Our vision is to reimagine and evolve the way of teaching. By combining teaching with technology and superior content for better learning experience. We developed this course for our needy students so that they can get exact knowledge required in this field. As many offline courses charges much high amount of fees which is not possible to pay for everyone. So we have created this course and tried to charge as less as we can so that anyone can buy this course and they can move ahead in their career very fast.
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Subtitle : English
Quality: 720p
2.68 GB
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