Published on: 2024-10-30 08:42:59
Categories: 28
Kubernetes Migration course POD Migrated From Cluster 1 to 2. In this series, I have covered a Kubernetes migration topic where I have migrated resources from one location to another. I have migrated POD from one Kubernetes cluster to another Kubernetes cluster with different location. I have used VELERO tool for migration. In this section, I have explained the migration architecture, how we can setup Velero appliance in both clusters. I have used Azure Kubernetes Cluster where I created two clusters in two different locations and then migrated the resources. I have started from scratch and explained the migration architecture well and how we do pre and post migration planning. Velero is an open source tool designed for backup, recovery and migration of Kubernetes clusters and resources. This tool allows users to securely back up Kubernetes applications, restore them in case of problems, and migrate them between different clusters. Velero is particularly useful in cloud-native environments for disaster recovery and data protection management in Kubernetes clusters.
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