Published on: 2023-03-05 04:33:30
Categories: 28
IELTS Step-by-step | Mastering Speaking & Listening is a training course on everything you need for your IELTS Speaking & Listening. From ex-IELTS examiner James Castleden’s YouTube channel IELTS Step-by-step comes a course dedicated to improving your speaking skills for a fluent and confident IELTS Speaking exam, and listening skills for improved performance and time management in the Listening exam. Together you and James will listen to and analyse 15 students from around the world doing the Speaking exam, watch videos about how to improve your speaking, and match with other students who are also looking to practice their speaking from all over the world.
For the Listening exam, you’ll complete 12 real Listening past papers, reviewing them in detail. You will also learn 350 idioms to improve your speaking as well as a whole host of tips, tricks and techniques that will ensure you’re ready for 7+ in both exams.
Publisher: Udemy
Instructors: James Castleden , MA Applied Linguistics & DELTA
Language: English
Education Level: Basic to Advanced
Number of Courses: 149
Duration: 51 hours and 57 minutes
Intermediate (B1) English
After Extract, watch with your favorite Player.
English subtitle
Quality: 720p
In version 2022/6, two IELTS Step-by-step | Mastering Speaking and IELTS Step-by-step | Mastering Listening has been consolidated and Compared to the 8/2020 version, the number of 86 lessons and the duration of 29 hours and 3 minutes have increased.
38.3 GB
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