Published on: 2024-11-06 18:26:34
Categories: 28
IELTS Step-by-step | Mastering Reading is a training course on everything you need for the IELTS Reading test. Starting from the YouTube channel of an old IELTS test taker, James Castleden, this IELTS Step-by-Step course is designed to strengthen your reading, confidence and time management skills on the IELTS test. In this course, you will be taught thousands of tricks, techniques and skills that can significantly improve your Reading Skills on the IELTS test. You will also work on the previous 24 articles (12 scientific articles and 12 general practice articles) and review them in detail with the help of the course instructor. This course is suitable for people who intend to take the IELTS test (scientific or general).
Publisher: Udemy
Instructors: James Castleden , MA Applied Linguistics & DELTA
Language: English
Education Level: Basic to Advanced
Number of Courses: 101
Duration: 25 hours and 1 minute
Intermediate (B1) English
After Extract, watch with your favorite Player.
English subtitle
Quality: 720p
19.6 GB
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