Published on: 2020-11-19 18:29:18
Categories: 28
Getting Started with .NET Core Clean Architecture Udemy a course through a website that will provide you with the framework NET Core. Clean Architecture and design pattern for building cross-platform applications is familiar. NET Core. A framework for free and open source software for Windows, macOS, and Linux is built. If you’re a student or professional software engineering and intend to NET Core. Clean Architecture with pattern design software for manufacturing use, the course will be perfectly suitable for you.
In this course, we teach you how your system environment to NET Core MVC, SQL Server 2017., dependency injection, Mediatr, and AutoMapper ready and your job is to start construction of the first cross-platform software. Then we help you apply the template to multiple software with Clean Architecture design techniques to create and run step by step. It puts you in the field of software development using the technology of NET. Tips and valuable topics to teach you.
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Subtitles: None
Quality: 720p
1.95 GB
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