Published on: 2024-08-24 05:25:25
Categories: 28
German Language B1 – Intermediate German, a training course, the average level of the German language is. This course includes almost the easiest part of the recipe, German language level of B1 is to help you so that you can grammar advanced more to learn. On the side of 79 speeches, grammar, etc. this course contains 5 video about the terminology of German and also culture, education system and festivals in German also. Finally a video to strengthen your speaking skills is placed.
Zukunft im Präsens | Zeitangaben – Zukunft | Modalpartikel | Kausale Konjunktionaladverbien | Kausaladverbien | Artikelwort “Welch-“| Artikelwort “Irgendein-” | Als Ob | The Verb “Brauchen” And It s Correct Usage| Konjunktionen | The Word “nämlich” | Pronomen| Subclauses With “dass” | Adjektivendung -bar | Finalangaben | Difference Between “von” and “aus” | The Verb lassen” and It s Correct Usage | unpersönliche Ausdrücke | Klassen der unregelmäßigen Verben| Genitiv | Genitiv Possessivartikel | Demonstrativpronomen Genitiv | “indem” and sodass” | Adjektivdeklination | Konzessive Sätze | Modalverben und ihre Bedeutung | Direktionaladverbien | Perfekt | Modalangaben | Indirekte Fragen | Konditionalsätze | Infinitivsätze | Komposita | Präteritum | Plusquamperfekt | Werden – Veränderung | weil – da – denn | Konjunktiv II – irreale I | Konjunktiv II – Wunschsätze | Konjunktiv II – Modalverben | The Word “falls” | Verben mit Jon | Präfix un- | Präpositionaladverbien | Verben mit Präpositionalobjekt | Relativpronomen | Temporale Nebensätze | Vorgangspassiv | Passiv im Nebensatz | Passiv ohne Subjekt | Passiv im Perfekt | Passiv im Präteritum | Passiv im Plusquamperfekt | Adjektive als Nomen | Adjektiv-Kombination| Mehrteilige Konjunktionen | Modaladverbien | Partizip II als Substantiv
You should have passed the A1 and A2 level in order to participate in this course.
After the Extract, etc. with the Player your desired view.
Subtitles: English
Quality: 1080p
Previous title:
German B1 – Intermediate German
Version 2022/12 compared to 2020/8 has increased the number of 6 lessons and the duration has decreased by 6 minutes. English subtitles have also been added to the course.
Version 2024/8 compared to 2022/12 has increased the number of 18 lessons and the duration has decreased by 24 minutes. Also, the course quality has been increased from 720p to 1080p.
15.3 GB
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