Published on: 2024-09-24 07:34:31
Categories: 28
German Language A2 – German For Advanced Beginners is an A2 level German language course taught by a native instructor. If you have started learning German and want to improve it, then this course is for you, in this course you will learn all the necessary grammar for German A2 level. This course also includes a video that prepares you for the speaking and writing part of the German A2 degree.
Course content includes:
Adjective declination | Accusative | Dativ | Demonstrative pronouns Futur I | Genitive | indirect questions | Comparative | Conditioners | Conjunctive II | das Verb “lassen” | Modalverben im Präteritum | n-Declination | Possessivartikel | Präpositionaladverb | Präteritum | Pronouns | reflexive Verben | Relative pronouns Accumulation with Accusative and Dative | Subjunctions | Verben mit Prepositionalobjekt | Vorgangspassiv | Wechselpräpositionen | Worth image | Zeitadverbien
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Subtitle: English
Quality: 1080p
Previous title:
German A2 – German for advanced beginners
Version 2022/11 compared to 2020/2 has increased the number of 10 lessons and the duration of 1 hours and 11 minutes. English subtitles have also been added to the course.
Version 2024/1 compared to 2022/11 has increased the number of 8 lessons and the duration of 1 hour and 4 minutes. Also, the course quality has been increased from 720p to 1080p.
12.8 GB
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