Udemy – Electron & React JS: Build a Native Chat App with Javascript 2020-9

Udemy – Electron & React JS: Build a Native Chat App with Javascript 2020-9

Published on: 2021-02-13 18:03:08

Categories: 28



Electron & React JS: Build a Native Chat App with Javascript, name of a course, build a chat app using Electron and React JS using React JS and Firebase(DB) for making the program proprietary industry. In the first part of this course, you with the hows Electron JS and capabilities that provide will be familiar in this section with the concepts of elementary start, and you, in part, the UI software from the book The House of React you will be using. We also learn how to install React and prepare Webpack, which is responsible for centralized file Our is familiar, we are. In the second part, with making different pages like Home, Chat, settings, and how to transition between them will be familiar. Then the topic validation users and the firmware redux described. After this, our focus support management capabilities, chat and messaging-ended. Finally, at the end of the period to correct a small environment, Electron.

What in the course of Electron & React JS: Build a Native Chat App with Javascript learn:

Specifications volume:

Publisher: Udemy
instructor: Eincode by Filip Jerga
language: English,
educational level: introductory to advanced,
the number of lessons: 112
time: 15 hours and 3 minutes

This course

Electron React JS Build a Native Chat App with Javascript contents

Prerequisite course:

Basic/Mid understanding of JS(ES6) & React JS required!


Electron React JS Build a Native Chat App with Javascript

Sample movie

Installation guide

After the Extract, watch with the Player your like.

Subtitles: English

Quality: 720

Download link

Download Part 1 – 2 GB

Download Part 2 – 2 GB

Download Part 3 – 2 GB

Download Part 4 – 1.12 GB

Password file(s): www.abc.com

File size

7.1 GB

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