Published on: 2021-05-22 23:12:34
Categories: 28
Easy Statistics: Linear and Non-Linear Regression , is an introductory training course to obtain the least normal second powers, logit and average regression, and tips for regression modeling. This course is a combination of 3 training courses: linear regression, nonlinear regression and regression modeling. Learning and applying new statistical techniques can sometimes be a daunting experience. The Easy Statistics course set is designed for you so that you can learn the basics of statistical methods.The first two parts of the course will explain how linear and non-linear regression work, we will test how Ordinary Least Squares (OLS), Logit and Probit models work, and finally in the third part of the course you will find tips and We will teach useful tricks for regression modeling.
Publisher: Udemy
Instructors: F. Buscha
Language: English
Level: Introductory to Advanced
Number of Courses: 63
Duration: 5 hours and 11 minutes
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Subtitle: None
Quality: 720p
1.1 GB
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