Udemy – Dominate GMAT Verbal – Comprehensive GMAT Verbal Prep Course 2019-10

Udemy – Dominate GMAT Verbal – Comprehensive GMAT Verbal Prep Course 2019-10

Published on: 2020-11-12 15:08:28

Categories: 28



Dominate GMAT Verbal – comprehensive GMAT Verbal Prep Course, a comprehensive training course for the verbal section of the GMAT exam . If you are one of those people, are understanding the novel War and peace, the problem, you describe, are in the sentences themselves, you don’t use or even think about participating in debate, logical scare you, this course is exactly for you . During this tutorial, with all the content and strategy of the company in Section, Verbal GMAT test will be familiar; of Correction, including up to perception, through reading and critical reasoning .

Over 6 hours of video containing the most updated and most effective techniques that all the main parts and different types of questions in the verbal test, GMAT cover and also dozens of challenges to practice critical reasoning of the other content of the course . Also the new sections of the GMAT exam i.e. the merged reasoning and writing analytical essays are also covered in this course .

What things to learn

Familiarity with everything that exists in the verbal section of the GMAT exam
Learn 6 most frequently tested topics in GMAT
Familiarity with the constituents in a discussion, template, how to find assumptions, and generally answer any kind of question
Learn how to read texts in the section understanding GMAT readability recognizing common misconceptions and the author’s main goal

This training suits people who

All prospective students at any level, whether with high verbal skills or non-English speakers who seek success in important parts of the GMAT verbal exam .

Profile Dominate GMAT Verbal – comprehensive GMAT Verbal Prep Course

Publisher: Udemy
Lecturer: Brett Ethridge
Language: English
Training level: from preliminary to advanced
Number of lessons: 36 lessons in 6 sections
Duration: 8h 29m

Head seasons

Dominate GMAT Verbal Comprehensive GMAT Verbal Prep Course



Dominate GMAT Verbal Comprehensive GMAT Verbal Prep Course

Sample movie

Installation guide

After the Extract with the Player your custom view.

Subtitles: English

Quality: 360p

Download link

Download Part 1 – 1 GB

Download Part 2 – 1 GB

Download Part 3 – 486 MB

Password file(s): www.abc.com

File size

2.48 GB

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