Udemy – DevOps Engineering – A Complete Guide 2024-3
Published on: 2024-10-04 13:05:05
Categories: 28
DevOps Engineering Course – A Complete Guide. This comprehensive DevOps course offered by Uplatz focuses on the four most important and widely used elements that make up an integrated DevOps system. This course covers the detailed understanding and implementation of the following:
- Git and GitHub: A free, open source, distributed version control system
- Apache Maven: A tool for building automation, including managing and understanding software projects
- JUnit: A unit testing framework for the Java programming language
- Apache Log4j: A Java-based logging tool and a reliable, fast and flexible logging framework (APIs)
The term “DevOps” was introduced by combining software “development” (Dev) and “operations” (Ops). The term was coined in 2009 by Patrick DuBois to provide a way to quickly and efficiently deliver software updates, bug fixes, and features.
What you will learn in DevOps Engineering – A Complete Guide course
- An introduction to DevOps
- Git and GitHub, Apache Maven, JUnit, Log4j
- Become a DevOps engineer and/or project manager
- Version control system
- Introduction to Git, installation, workflow
- Working with repositories and creating remote repositories
- Add an existing project to GitHub using Git Bash
- Delete files
- Working with branches
- Introducing Maven, downloading and installing Maven
- Maven repositories
- Create standalone Maven project in CLI
- What are JAR, WAR, EAR files?
- The Maven build lifecycle
- Standalone Maven project development in non-interactive mode
- Running test cases with Maven
- Creating a Maven web project in the CLI
- Create standalone Maven project and Maven web project through IDE
- Add dependencies to pom xml
- Maven dependency chain and domains
- Introducing JUnit and adding JUnit5 dependency in Maven project
- JUnit5 annotations and the @RepeatedTest annotation
- JUnit5 validations and Timeouts
- JUnit5 expected exceptions
- JUnit5 parameterized tests
- How to run unit tests with Maven in JUnit5
- JUnit5 Tagging and Filtering
- Hamcrest framework
- Unit testing on a Spring Boot repository
- Spring Boot integration testing
- Introduction to Log4j
- Log4j components and implementation
- Working with Log4j features
This course is suitable for people who
- DevOps Engineers
- Site Reliability Engineers
- Anyone looking for a career in DevOps
- Git engineers and consultants
- Architects of Git and GitHub
- Beginners and novices interested in software development and testing
- Maven experts
- Software developers
- Software testing specialists
- System design and analysis engineers
- Automated testers
- Java/Maven developers and testers
- Full stack Java developers
- Java developers (backend) – Spring framework, Junit, AWS
- Selenium engineers with Junit
- Solution architects and back end architects
DevOps Engineering course specifications – A Complete Guide
- Publisher: Udemy
- Instructor: Uplatz Training
- Training level: beginner to advanced
- Training duration: 17 hours and 26 minutes
Course topics on 2024/4

DevOps Engineering course prerequisites – A Complete Guide
- Enthusiasm and determination to make your mark on the world!
Course images

Sample video of the course
Installation guide
After Extract, view with your favorite Player.
Subtitle: English
Quality: 1080p
download link
Download part 1 – 2 GB
Download part 2 – 2 GB
Download part 3 – 2 GB
Download part 4 – 0.99 MB
File(s) password: www.downloadly.ir
File size
6.9 GB
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