Published on: 2021-02-18 22:06:58
Categories: 28
Create a Twitter Clone with Node js Socket IO and MongoDB, name of a training course Node.js and MongoDB is quite basic with the construction of Clone Ultimate website in Twitter is. If you are looking to gain expertise in Javascript, etc. Node.js and MongoDB with the construction of a social network, a real like Twitter while this course perfectly suits your industry. Tutor, this course is a software engineer at Microsoft, where the projects made by the millions from all over the world is used in industry and now he wants the skills that during the years of work with the best developers at the level of the global business has to make you pass. In the programming world, big 4 include Google, Microsoft, Facebook and Amazon is to get a job in any of these companies, you certainly should be some requirements for the basic skills a high note like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and also on the side of these skills, skills such as Node.js and management system, databases, like MongoDB in the increasing importance of culture.
Publisher: Udemy
teachers: Reece Kenney
language: English,
educational level: introductory to advanced,
the number of lessons: 274
time: 25 hours and 36 minutes
At least a basic programming understanding is recommended
After the Extract, etc. with the Player your desired view.
Subtitles: English
Quality: 720p
16.9 GB
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