Published on: 2023-04-06 01:40:29
Categories: 28
The Linux Troubleshooting Course with Practical Examples is the name of a video tutorial on learning Linux operating system skills. What you will learn in this course includes two troubleshooting and Linux operating system topics. As you know, managing Linux servers or Linux devices is very critical in companies and industries. So with the help of this training suite you will get to know the benefits and benefits of this operating system so that you can manage your Linux operating system in a safe and cost-effective way.
What you need to watch for this course is to have a basic understanding of the Linux operating system and the command line. As a result, this course is designed and published for beginners who want to learn Linux efficiently and effectively. You will greatly improve your practical skills by completing this course.
Linux Troubleshooting Course with Practical Examples Requirements
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English subtitle
Quality: 1080p
Previous title:
Linux Troubleshooting Course with Practical Examples
Version 2022/8 compared to 2019/4 has increased the number of 28 lessons and the duration of 3 hours and 51 minutes. Also, the Quality of the course has increased from 720p to 1080p.
6.54 GB
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