Udemy – Complete Linear Algebra for Data Science & Machine Learning 2020-2

Udemy – Complete Linear Algebra for Data Science & Machine Learning 2020-2

Published on: 2020-04-07 18:49:51

Categories: 28



Complete Linear Algebra for Data Science, name of the training video series in the field of software engineering and linear algebra can be. In truth you in this course to form a very comprehensive and complete with the concept of linear algebra for use in science data and machine learning will be familiar. All content and teaching this course to the simplest form possible to the students is presented. There are various tests at the end of the sessions, to help students with the skills to form your basic improve.

Also in the making of this course it is assumed that your students any knowledge and previous experience you have not. Hence, all content, step by step, you will be trained. The approach of the course also carried out in accordance with practice real can you learn realistic and practical help. This course is for developers, data, artificial intelligence, learning, machine, learning, and … computer graphics and…, programming, etc will be very suitable.

Cases in which the course is taught:

Profile, course, Complete, Linear Algebra for Data Science

This course will Complete Linear Algebra for Data Science

Course content
210 lectures 17:53:59

Welcome and Introduction
1 lecture 02:43

Basics of Matrices
6 lectures 32:28

Basics of Matrices (Continued)
12 lectures 01:18:49

Matrices and Systems of Linear Equations
7 lectures 46:36

Matrix Algebra and Operations
5 lectures 21:24

Determinant of a Matrix
4 lectures 20:43

Inverse of a Matrix
7 lectures 46:30

Properties of Determinants
6 lectures 14:57

*** OPTIONAL: Introduction to Vectors
11 lectures 52:30

Vector Spaces
9 lectures 40:04

Subspace and Nullspace
7 lectures 24:25

Span and Spanning Sets
5 lectures 20:02

Linear Dependence and Independence
7 lectures 31:54

Basis and Dimension
6 lectures 17:54

Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
3 lectures 22:20

Basic Algebra Concepts (Additional Lessons)
78 lectures 04:41:52

Congratulations and Bonus Material
36 lectures 05:18:44

Prerequisite course


Complete Linear Algebra for Data Science

Sample movie Complete Linear Algebra for Data Science

Installation guide

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Subtitle: no.

Quality: 720p

Download link

Download Part 1 – 1 GB

Download Part 2 – 206 MB

Password file(s): www.abc.com

File size

1.20 GB

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