Published on: 2024-03-02 04:14:30
Categories: 28
Complete JavaScript Projects Course Games 55 Modern JS DOM is the name of a set of video tutorials on web development and programming in the JavaScript category. This course can be described as a comprehensive course for those interested in learning the programming language of JavaScript at various levels. Everything you need in JavaScript programming language is included in this course. The main feature of this course is the interaction with the student. This means that you will carry out all the training in the form of real projects and you will acquire the most basic concepts and skills.
In this course you will run more than 50 projects and software along with viewing video videos. The projects and programs that you do in this course are in different subjects, and at the end of this course you will have a very good programming experience in JavaScript. This course is also suitable for all JavaScript developers and developers at various levels from basic to advanced and you will always be able to learn the latest JavaScript language skills and techniques in this course.
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Subtitle: English
Quality: 1080p
Previous title:
Monster JavaScript Course – 50+ projects and applications
JavaScript Projects Games 55 Modern JavaScript DOM ES6
The changes of version 2021/8 compared to 2019/4 are not exactly known, but it has increased by approximately 83 lessons and a duration of 7.5 hours. Its quality has also been upgraded from 720p to 1080p.
Version 2022/2 compared to 2021/8 has increased the number of 10 lessons and the duration of 2 hours and 14 minutes.
Version 2024/2 compared to 2022/2 has increased the number of 32 lessons and the duration of 5 hours and 3 minutes.
33.2 GB
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