Udemy – Breaking into Data Science & Machine Learning with Python 2022-9

Udemy – Breaking into Data Science & Machine Learning with Python 2022-9

Published on: 2024-10-05 11:29:17

Categories: 28



Breaking into Data Science & Machine Learning with Python, Let me tell you my story. I graduated with my Ph. D. in computational nano-electronics but I have been working as a data scientist in most of my career. My undergrad and graduate major was in electrical engineering (EE) and minor in Physics. After first year of my job in Intel as a “yield analysis engineer” (now they changed the title to Data Scientist), I literally broke into data science by taking plenty of online classes. I took numerous interviews, completed tons of projects and finally I broke into data science. I consider this as one of very important achievement in my life. Without having a degree in computer science (CS) or a statistics I got my second job as a Data Scientist. Since then I have been working as a Data Scientist. If I can break into data science without a CS or Stat degree I think you can do it too. In this class allow me sharing my journey towards data science and let me help you breaking into data science. Of course it is not fair to say that after taking one course you will be a data scientist. However we need to start some where. A good start and a good companion can take us further. We will definitely discuss Python, Pandas, NumPy, Sk-learn and all other most popular libraries out there. In this course we will also try to de-mystify important complex concepts of machine learning. Most of the lectures will be accompanied by code and practical examples. I will also use white board to explain the concepts which cannot be explained otherwise. A good data scientist should use white board for ideation, problem solving. I also want to mention that this course is not designed towards explaining all the math needed to practice machine learning. Also, I will be continuously upgrading the contents of this course to make sure that all the latest tools and libraries are taught here. Stay tuned!

What you’ll learn

Who this course is for

Specificatoin of Breaking into Data Science & Machine Learning with Python

Content on 2022-10

Breaking into Data Science & Machine Learning with Python



Breaking into Data Science & Machine Learning with Python

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Quality: 720p

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Download Part 1 – 2 GB

Download Part 2 – 2 GB

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Download Part 5 – 734 MB

Password file(s): www.abc.com

File size

8.71 GB

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