Published on: 2024-10-13 06:21:50
Categories: 28
Artificial Intelligence A-Z 2024: Build 7 AI + LLM & ChatGPT is the name of a video tutorial on data analysis and artificial intelligence learning. In this course you will teach respectable students of the basic level with no background in programming the concept of artificial intelligence. In this course, you will learn how to build artificial intelligence with the help of the Python programming language. In fact, in this course you will be able to build very powerful artificial intelligence software by combining machine learning data and machine learning and deep learning.
In fact, by learning the Artificial Intelligence AZ ™: Learn How to Build An AI video course, you will begin to learn three important concepts, namely Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning. One of the benefits of this video course is to teach you real solutions and the skills you need. By watching this course and learning the concepts, skills and techniques available, you will be able to program very powerful AI.
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Subtitle: English
Quality: 1080p
Previous title:
Artificial Intelligence A-Z™: Learn How To Build An AI
Artificial Intelligence A-Z™ 2023: Build an AI with ChatGPT4
Version 2019/7 increased to 4 lessons and 5 minutes compared to 2018/11.
Version 2020/3 has increased by about 10 MB compared to the 2019/7 version.
Version 2023/8 compared to 2020/3 has increased the number of 10 lessons and the duration of 54 minutes. Also, the Quality of the course has increased from 720p to 1080p.
Version 2023/12 compared to 2023/8 has decreased the number of 17 lessons and the duration of 3 hours and 13 minutes.
Version 2024/10 compared to 2023/12 has increased the number of 12 lessons and the duration of 1 hour and 1 minute.
5.85 GB
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