Udemy – Advanced Scala and Functional Programming 2023-12

Udemy – Advanced Scala and Functional Programming 2023-12

Published on: 2024-09-16 00:26:05

Categories: 28



Advanced Scala and Functional Programming, In this course, we will learn the tricks used by the top 1% of Scala developers. You’ll write 2000+ lines of Scala code yourself, with guidance, and you will become a rockstar. This course is for Scala programmers who need to design complex, scalable systems, or need to customize existing tools (e.g. Spark) or write their own. This course is for established programmers with experience with Scala and with functional programming at the level of the Rock the JVM Scala beginners course. I already assume a solid understanding of general programming fundamentals. If you’ve never coded before, this course is not for you.

The course is comprehensive, but you’ll always see me get straight to the point. So make sure you have a good level of focus and commitment to become a badass programmer. I believe both theory and practice are important. That’s why you’ll get lectures with code examples, real life Scala code demos and assignments, plus additional resources, instructions, exercises and solutions. At the end of the course, you’ll have written thousands of lines of Scala. I’ve seen that my students are most successful – and my best students work at Google-class companies and committing to Scala repositories – when they’re guided, but not being told what to do. I have assignments waiting for you, where I offer my (opinionated) guidance but otherwise freedom to experiment and improve upon your Scala code.

What you’ll learn

Who this course is for

Specificatoin of Advanced Scala and Functional Programming

Content of Advanced Scala and Functional Programming

Advanced Scala and Functional Programming



Advanced Scala and Functional Programming

Sample Clip

Installation Guide

Extract the files and watch with your favorite player

Subtitle : English

Quality: 1080p

Download Links

Download Part 1 – 1 GB

Download Part 2 – 1 GB

Download Part 3 – 1 GB

Download Part 4 – 780 MB

Password file(s): www.abc.com

File size

3.76 GB

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