Published on: 2024-09-16 17:39:36
Categories: 28
Ab initio Development training course with Real time scenarios. In this course, you will be introduced to real scenarios personally implemented in practical implementation projects. We focus deeply on the transformation components, because the main responsibility of an ETL developer is to shape the data according to practical examples. In addition to data transformation components, we cover other components such as database, partitioning, isolation, compression, SFTP, various operations, validation, XML, search and its variants, as well as more advanced topics such as parameter sets (psets), conduct-it ), we have discussed sub graphs, interpretation, start and end script, phases, control points and rollback and recovery mechanism.
The course content is presented in such a way that you learn to use each component in several different ways. You’ll gain a deeper understanding of Ab Initio tools by using practical examples and performance tuning techniques. In addition, interview questions related to each component will be asked to strengthen your knowledge. This course introduces you to the powerful Ab Initio tool and its applications in real scenarios. By focusing on data transformation components and other important components, you will be able to transform data into the form of your choice. This course will be very useful for people who are looking to learn Ab Initio in depth and enter the world of ETL.
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